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  • The social relationships of university students mainly include friends, teachers, classmates and other parties (e.g. relatives, family, clubs, etc.), which have an essential role in social support. Social support can provide individuals with material, informational and spiritual help, increasing their sense of belonging, pleasure, self-esteem and self-confidence. Studies have shown that family and friend support can better predict overall well-being and negative affect. Thus, family and other support are the variables that produce better predictors of life satisfaction and positive affect.

  • The overall life satisfaction of university students is at a moderate to high level. 80% of university students are satisfied or relatively satisfied with their lives, while nearly 20% express varying degrees of negativity towards their life satisfaction.

  • Different styles affect college students' life satisfaction and negative emotions and do not significantly affect positive emotions and emotional balance. The factors affecting college students' well-being include internal and external aspects. Among them, external factors mainly include social support, family upbringing style, life events, and cultural background; internal factors mainly include a sense of well-being, goals, personality, and self-esteem.



The development and shaping of personality should be emphasized.

  • Subjective well-being relies more on character than on other factors. Examples include personal self-esteem, optimism, self-control and life goals. Extroverted people experience and feel well-being more often, develop and shape a healthy personality and give themselves a positive self-concept.[5] They like and believe in themselves, identify and accept others appropriately, and can face and accept reality rationally. University students should focus on learning and continue to acquire knowledge, as knowledge can be intelligent, enriching and reflect their qualities.

Actively improve social relationships, especially with housemates and friends.

  • The dialectical relationship between getting and giving social support should be handled appropriately.[2] This is also a central reflection of interpersonal relationships in the socialization process of university students. It is related to whether the students can spend their whole university life in a happy state of mind. Therefore, through expanding interpersonal communication, making friends and cultivating hobbies, etc., we should make ourselves more accessible to people and improve interpersonal relationships.

Career planning.

  • The severe pressure of employment is an important reason for the low well-being index of university students. If university students hope to have a good choice when they graduate, they should give themselves a precise positioning as early as possible.[4] Carry out personal career planning, determine career development direction, and develop specific implementation plans accordingly. In continuously achieving your goals, you will enrich yourself, gain confidence and improve your well-being.


  • Learn to carve out the time you want to enjoy leisure amid your busy studies. For example, participate in physical exercise, read books, participate in clubs, listen to music, and participate in volunteer work. All these efforts can increase one's physical and mental health.[1]

Cultivate positive emotions.

  • Emotions are a magnifying glass through which people see and process things. Good emotions always act as a positive, warm mirror to process what they are facing.[3] In this state, people tend to show greater tolerance, patience and persistence and are more inclined to make things work in a good direction. The experience of success and, therefore, of hearing, seeing and experiencing good things that provoke positive emotions regularly, gradually putting oneself in a cycle of good emotions, will enhance one's sense of well-being.


[1]Mental wellbeing tips.Do something for yourself.[online] Available at: <> [Accessed  29 April]


[2]What Is Well-Being.(2019).5 Major Types of Well-Being.[online] Available at: < being/201901/what-is-well-being-definition-types-and-well-being-skills/> [Accessed  29 April]


[3]Well-Being Definition, Meaning, and Strategies.(2023).What Are The Different Aspects of Well-Being.[online] Available at: <> [Accessed  29 April]


[4]Types of Wellbeing.(2023).Benefits from Wellbeing.[online] Available at: <> [Accessed  29 April]


[5]Centre on Well-being.(2022).Measuring Well-being and progress.[online] Available at: <> [Accessed  29 April]

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